Press Release – Q Magazine Profiles Michael Carter

Michael Carter’s story is about a boyhood dream that came true.  As this month’s cover story we caught up with Michael and his wife Yolanda at the site where his dream started – the Balbrook Estate, Mendham New Jersey.

Michael explains that his father was the caretaker of this estate and his mother was a maid in the 60’s and early 70’s.  At that time the estate was owned by New York  multimillionaire businessman and philanthropist Clinton Davidson.

In the mid 1970’s Michael’s father retired and moved to a small town in Florida which was his original home.  “Growing up, I could never get that beautiful estate out of my mind.  Often I would dream that it was mine.  I could see my kids ice skating on the lake, or playing on the tennis courts .  I imagined taking long walks with my family around the property.  This was a recurring dream that I kept it to myself.” Carter Recalls.

“When I was accepted at the University of Florida I had visions of becoming a famous architect and one day having enough money to buy the estate.  When I graduated and began my career in Architecture I still had my dream but I didn’t know of any Architects with the income necessary to make my dream a reality.”

Then one day I got what we refer to in Network Marketing as – “The Call”.   It was a friend that wanted me to take a look at something.  When I saw the opportunity I was beyond excited.  I had found my way to get my dream!  I couldn’t sleep for a couple of days – I was so excited.  I just knew that everyone I talked to would do it!  This was a piece of cake.  Then I started talking to people and reality set in.  People actually said no.  At first it didn’t phase me.  Then it started to have an impact on me.  I never gave up but I started to talk to fewer people.  I had some success but never could hit the home run.

Q Magazine – Well, you’ve obviously made your dreams come true.  What happened?

Michael Carter : I spent several years in Architecture school learning specific skills to gain a certain level of competency, but it never occurred to me that I needed to do the same thing in Network Marketing.

Q Magazine – How did you learn these skills.

Michael Carter: I was very fortunate.  I was introduced to a training system called Go90Grow where I learned the skills that made me a Network Marketing Millionaire.  Something else significant happened that led to my success. Through my experience with Go90Grow I was introduced to the Master Key Master Mind Alliance.  Through the MKMMA I learned that the world without is simply a reflection of the world within.  So I built my Balbrook estate in my mind first and then it became a reality.

Q Magazine – Next we were able to visit the carter’s in Florida where Michael realized his dream and built his family estate home – named, you guessed it Balbrook.  It’s quite beautiful.  It’s property is amazing with a lake with a near by tea house, a tennis court, and full court basketball area, The estate home is contemporary yet very inviting.

Q-magazine: Your home is beautiful.

Michael Carter:  We really enjoy it.  When I look at the incredible landscaping, the lake – it’s like we’re living in a beautiful painting.  We love having friends over to watch old movies or the latest blockbuster in our custom built theater. It’s just a dream come true.

Q-magazine: What other dreams have you been able to realize because of your business success?

Michael Carter: I’ve been able visit great architectural masterpieces around the world.  We been to the Coliseum in Rome, stood on the steps of the Parthenon in Athens, and we’ve been to see the great pyramids.  I’ve spoiled my family at 5 star restaurants, Hotels and Resorts all over the world.  Most importantly I’ve created financial freedom for my family, and I’ve taught them the power of the Master Key.  If something happens to me I know they will be fine. That is such an amazing feeling.

Q-magazine: Well we’ve enjoyed our time with you and your wonderful family.

Michael Carter: It was our pleasure.  We’re having so much fun and we’re just getting started!


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